Tyfu Cymru

Tyfu Cymru will build the capacity and capability of the Welsh horticulture industry. Working with supply chain partners, it will prepare growers and producer owned horticulture companies across Wales to adapt to future environmental challenges and position them to capitalise on market opportunities for business development and growth. 

Led by Lantra in collaboration with the key of partners of Planed, Puffin, Glyndwr and ADAS, with funding from the Welsh Government Cooperation and Supply Chain Development Scheme, the project provides a blend of strategic leadership, skills development, training and support tailored to the industry’s needs.


What we offer:

  • Funded innovative training and skills development based on a Training Skills Assessment
  • A horticulture talent pool programme
  • Supply chain and cluster support
  • One stop knowledge hub offering an industry voice.


Are you Eligible?

Tyfu Cymru is funded to support commercial horticulture in growing and operating in Wales. You must be growing commercially and registered as a sole trader, partnership or limited company, active and generating turnover and be able to provide evidence of this.

Although there is no set turnover or land area criteria, for eligibility businesses must demonstrate they are looking to engage with the project, be included in measuring success and provide relevant information to Tyfu Cymru Growing Wales throughout the project for reporting purposes. 

If you’d like to find out more, in the first instance please email our Horticulture Co-operation and Supply Chan Co-ordinator, Alice Coleman.

There is lots more on the Tyfu Cymru website.

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